Re: prov-wg: Another name for Qualified?

Hi Tim, Paul
Still in the spirit of simplification

 used vs Usage
wasGeneratedBy vs Generation

Why do we need Qualified? If you say QualifiedGeneration, ... 
I always expect a UnqualifiedGeneration ..  But there is no such class.



Professor Luc Moreau
Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton 
Southampton SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

On 17 Feb 2012, at 18:57, "Timothy Lebo" <> wrote:

> On Feb 17, 2012, at 11:20 AM, Paul Groth wrote:
>> Hi Tim, Jim,
>> I like the suggestion a lot. [English teacher verification is good :-) ] Indeed, I was thinking that all the "had" in the ontology were a bit verbose. A blank node may indeed be the best way solve it for having long types.
> Blank nodes should not be any way to solve URI length (or any other problem; they should be avoided at all costs).
> Any occurrence of bnodes in my examples could  just as easily be URIs. I'm just using them for abbreviation to show the structure.
> I'm not sure how you interpreted my example as using bnodes to solve a length problem. Could you explain?
>> A couple of questions in your examples:
>> - You have the prov:generated relationship but I don't see that in the ontology file although I do see it in the ProvRDF page? This is issue #98, which has no resolution
> Thanks for pointing that out. I agree with the issue and think that it should be added to the ontology as an owl:inverse of prov:wasGeneratedBy.
> (oh, I created the issue. Glad that I still agree with it!)
> Though, I'm expecting push back on an inverse being added to the ontology.
>> - You use the relation prov:entity and not prov:hadQualifiedEntity.
> prov:entity was the initial stand in. And I'm bringing it up again because it's a "whole lot shorter".
>> This also isn't in the ontology or this a suggestion?
> resurrected suggestion.
>> ---
>> I'm trying to think of other shorter names that convey the same meaning as qualified involvement.
> For the class or predicates? For the class, go "Involvement". Short.
> For the predicate, "qualifiedGeneration / Use" is worth the length in my opinion, because it parallels prov:generated / prov:used in a natural way.
> -Tim
>> Just for less typing but clearly I don't want to open a huge debate there.
>> If anyone, comes up with suggestions that would be great. I'll try to think of some myself. But again this may be too picky
>> thanks for the quick response,
>> Paul
>> Jim McCusker wrote:
>>> To be clear, we're using "qualified" as a verb, not a noun, which is why
>>> we can drop "had".
>>> Jim
>>> On Feb 17, 2012 8:50 AM, "Timothy Lebo" <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>   1)
>>>   Although it doesn't shorten it up much, I think it is _much_ clearer
>>>   if we drop "had".
>>>   prov:hadQualifiedGeneration -> prov:qualifiedGeneration
>>>   This changes the statement from a passive to active, which will make
>>>   all of my writing teachers happy.
>>>   The Activity qualified its Generation.
>>>   This also parallels the unqualified form nicely ("generated" and
>>>   "qualifiedGeneration") -- a fork in the road with two routes that a
>>>   client can follow, depending on how much detail they want.:
>>>   :my_activity
>>>   a prov:Activity;
>>>   prov:generated :my_entity;
>>>   prov:qualifiedGeneration [
>>>   a prov:Generation;
>>>   prov:entity :my_entity;
>>>   :foo :bar;
>>>   ]
>>>   .
>>>   2)
>>>   QualifiedInvolvement -> Involvement still makes _complete_ sense,
>>>   since it is inherently qualifying the binary relation. Being an
>>>   Involvement _means_ that you're being pointed at with some
>>>   subproperty of prov:qualifiedInvolvement (e.g. qualifiedGeneration)
>>>   AND you're pointing to the (rdf:object) involvee with, say, prov:entity.
>>>   As for the predicates hanging off of the Involvement, we started
>>>   with just:
>>>   :my_activity prov:qualifiedGeneration [
>>>   a prov:Generation;
>>>   prov:entity :my_entity;
>>>   ]
>>>   but we run into a slight hiccup when we're qualifying the
>>>   Involvement between two Entities b/c we don't know which is the
>>>   rdf:subject and which is the rdf:object of the binary relation we're
>>>   qualifying. However, these situations start to leave core, and a
>>>   qualified involvement between two entities should be some Activity,
>>>   so we can avoid the degenerate Entity-Entity case.
>>>   -Tim
>>>   On Feb 16, 2012, at 8:53 AM, Paul Groth wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> The idea behind QualifiedInvolvement is great and it's been
>>>   resolved for a while so I don't want to open it up.
>>>> but.... could we get a better name?
>>>> The name is long, especially for the properties. So you have to
>>>   write:
>>>> ex:activity1 prov:hadQualifiedGeneration ex:g1.
>>>> ex:g1 prov:hadQualifiedEntity ex:e1.
>>>> ex:g1 prov:wasGeneratedAt [owlTime:inXSDDateTime
>>>   2006-01-01T10:30:00-5:00].
>>>> could we shorten them up somehow? Any suggestions?
>>>> regards,
>>>> Paul

Received on Friday, 17 February 2012 21:36:24 UTC