Re: IVPT (invariant view or perspective on thing)


"Snapshot" has other implications that I'm uncomfortable with.  My hope is that 
when we've better common understanding of the scope, either we won't actually 
need a special term, or an appropriate term will suggest itself.

Example:  I'm not sure I'd regard a brand mark on a cow as a "snapshot", but I'd 
expect it to be invariant for the life of the animal - in that sense an "IVPT".

(Actually I was thinking of a real project proposal involving zebra stripes for 
my example, but that would take too much explanation.)


Paul Groth wrote:
> Hi Graham,
> I had proposed the term "snapshot" for IVPT on another thread.
> I don't know what you/others thing of that.
> cheers,
> Paul
> Daniel Garijo wrote:
>> I totally agree with you.
>> Best,
>> Daniel
>> 2011/6/9 Graham Klyne < <>>
>>     While I live with the term IVPT as a way to allow us to move our
>>     discussions forward, I think it would be horrible if it actually
>>     ended up in any of the documents we produce.
>>     I'm not asking for any change now, just giving notice that I
>>     expect us to settle on a better term when we can see better what
>>     we're talking about and what we actually need to say.
>>     #g
>>     --
>>     Jun Zhao wrote:
>>         Dear all,
>>         To bootstrap the development of the model task force, Satya,
>>         Paolo, Khalid and I put together a document [1] highlighting
>>         issues and goals to focus on during the F2F1.
>>         The document is not meant to be definitive. It should be
>>         updated and evolved as discussions raised in the mailing list.
>>         We hope this document could help with setting expectation for
>>         the F2F1 and guidance on the near focus of the WG.
>>         [1]
>>         Best regards,
>>         Jun

Received on Friday, 10 June 2011 16:22:37 UTC