RE: Bobs, IVP and time intervals

I think we need to be able to ask what Luc did after he was in Boston for the F2F (what did he do?), so I think I still need to be able to discover the right Bob for that (perhaps by out of band methods such as looking at the recipe for his travel process execution to find out that his travel was part of the 'get to F2F workflow') and then keep track of that Bob - I want to be able to claim Luc did X after he was in Boston and point you to a specific Bob to allow you to verify my statement without having to do a global search of all the times he was in Boston.

If that's a valid use case, I think it argues for uniquely identifying Bobs.


-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Khalid Belhajjame
Sent: Sat 7/16/2011 7:05 AM
To: Zednik, Stephan T.; Luc Moreau
Subject: Re: Bobs, IVP and time intervals

>> However, each instance of Luc in Boston will have its own identity.
>> Do we share this view?

Agreed, If we assume that the properties that are attached to a bob are 
not sufficient to uniquely identify it, then the state should not be 
used as a means for identifying bobs. In other words, two bobs that 
refers to the same state of the same entity, may have different identities.

This raises the following question: Do we need to (uniquely) identify Bobs?


> Yes.  Lets bring up an example scenario so we have something more 
> visual to talk about :-)
> I've been thinking of what we called bob at the F2F1 as applying to a 
> continuous time interval which is a subset of the referenced entity's 
> continuous time interval for which some contextully-important mutable 
> characteristics of the referenced entity are held to immutable.
> |<------------------------------------ Physical Object A 
> Exists--------------------------------------------------------|
> |<----- A OwnedBy Person B--->O<---A OwnedBy Person C------>O<---A 
> OwnedBy Person D--->|
> O is a ProcessExecution by which ownership of Physical Object A 
> changes.  Agents involved in the ProcessExecution may include the 
> selling and buying Agents.
> In my simple diagram above, Person D could sell Object A back to 
> Person B at some point in time, and the two bobs that represent "A 
> OwnedBy Person B" would have their own identity because represent 
> different time intervals.
> --Stephan
>> Regards,
>> Luc
>> On 07/14/2011 04:00 PM, Stephan Zednik wrote:
>>> On Jul 14, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Cresswell, Stephen wrote:
>>>> Does a bob describe an entity over some continuous time interval?
>>> This description matches well with how I have been interpreting bob.
>>> --Stephan
>> -- 
>> Professor Luc Moreau
>> Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
>> University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
>> Southampton SO17 1BJ     
>> United Kingdom

Received on Saturday, 16 July 2011 14:46:22 UTC