Access plan for next 3 months

Hello all,

This is just to clarify the overall plan for the provenance access
work over the next 3 months, especially for those who were absent from
the F2F.

* We are aiming for a single draft proposal regarding some aspects of
access ready for month 6 (3 months from now), to accompany the
required model deliverables [1].

* We will iterate over and raise issues with a single document with
one consistent view (as opposed to a list of competing proposals).
This will evolve into the draft proposal.

* As Graham has already produced such a starting document, we decided
to begin from that and asked him to move it to the Wiki [2].

* Once transferred to the Wiki, we will raise issues with the
proposal, e.g. where important cases are not adequately covered, using
the issue tracker. Issues regarding inadequacy should, ideally,
explain where it does not cover what is required by reference to the
scenario we defined in the F2F1 [3]. Tim has kindly elaborated this
with data relating to the journalism example.

* In particular, it would be good for those who made proposals in the
F2F1 document, to raise issues which illustrate the salient
differences of their proposal with the current draft [4].

If you have any comments on this plan, please raise them by email.



Dr Simon Miles
Lecturer, Department of Informatics
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166

Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2011 10:47:06 UTC