Re: prov:supersededBy missing? (was Re: PROVO-O in QUDT)


I think the semantics of 'supersededBy' are different to 'wasRevisionOf'. When something is superseded it no longer should be referred to. Whereas when something is a revision of something else all versions my still be valid. We see this in many document-centric environments. For example at NASA, a specification for telemetry and commanding of vehicles existed in a number of concurrently valid revisions (REV A, REV B, etc.).  Each revision having justification in specific contexts-of-use. Moreover 'supersedes' and 'supersededBy' are very commonly used at W3C.

Ralph Hodgson, @ralphtq

Mobile Phone: +1 781-789-1664

CTO, TopQuadrant, @TopQuadrant

Blog: Voyages of the Semantic Enterprise

Newspapers: SPARQL, SemanticWeb, LinkedData

On Nov 2, 2012, at 2:27 PM, Paul Groth <> wrote:

> Hi Ralph,
> Would wasRevisionOf be of use? We do not have supersedes.
> Paul
> On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Ralph TQ [Gmail] <> wrote:
> When a unit in QUDT is superseded by another we use a property, voag:supersededBy, from the VOAG ontology.  I could not find a corresponding property in the PROV ontology.
> Ralph Hodgson, @ralphtq
> CTO, TopQuadrant, @TopQuadrant
> Blog: Voyages of the Semantic Enterprise
> Newspapers: SPARQL, SemanticWeb, LinkedData

Received on Monday, 5 November 2012 18:08:33 UTC