Re: Cookies - Raising Awareness

Just for information.

Le 24 juil. 2010 à 04:13, David Singer a écrit :
> If I am asked 'do you want to accept this cookie?' I would immediately ask back 'what is it tracking?'.  I have no idea what the right answer is...

As Marcos said "we are users" and with this motto for the last 4 years, I have experimented a few techniques for making me more "opaque". It is not easy. 

For… hmm let's say 2 or 3 years, my setting was "Do you want to accept this cookie?" and it is painful to say "yes" or "no". Most of the time, I say "no", except on Web sites where I *need* to have a cookie. (exemple: accessing NY Times). It doesn't work. 

* bad: There are always new Web sites asking cookies, so the pace is not going down. 
* bad: Some Web sites have a strategy to change cookies names each time.
* bad: For those where you have accepted, you have no idea what you have accepted.

I decided to change strategy after the workshop. I removed every cookies. Start from clean. I now block every cookies and only change the settings for the Web site I want. It also helped me to reveal a UI issue with Firefox. You have to go to "View Page Info", then go to the Tab "Permissions", then unchek the box "Set the cookies", then check the radio button "Allow", then close the window and reload the page in the browser.

* good: A lot easier in terms of users interactions. I do not have the pop up windows anymore. 
* bad: A UI which is quite hidden with far too many steps (6) to enable a cookie.
* bad: We still do not know what we have accepted. 

My goal is not necessary to show cookies as monster or to eat cookies for breakfast (hmm maybe… ;) ) but to illustrate the difficulties for people to have more control on their side for accepting or not to be tracked. Cookies was a simple technology. Device APIs, Web storage, etc, will give a lot more possibilities. 

There is also very little way so far to explicitly say, I accept this tracking and not that tracking. 

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Tuesday, 3 August 2010 10:52:30 UTC