Re: non-normative examples for event sequences (and diagrams?)

Went ahead and filed

At this point, I opted just for a textual representation rather than 
some form of flow diagram.

On 17/02/2014 16:32, Rick Byers wrote:
> A couple issues with the specific examples:
>   - pointermove/mousemove is possible before click (and I expect some
 > UAs to do this more than IE does today), so we should probably add that

Added those as an extra optional step in the sequence.

>   - maybe adopt a regex-style syntax to indicate what events _may_ occur
> (enter/leave/over/out/capture), or may be repeated (move)?

 From testing, it seems to me that enter/leave/out/over/capture always 
fire (e.g. no difference wether element is focusable or not, whether 
it's first tap or a subsequent tap, etc). Or am I missing something? 
(feel free to comment directly on the bug)

I also left out the red herring of including focus, as that's probably a 
far bigger discussion (and would then need extra qualifiers like "if no 
other element was focused before / if the element is actually focusable 
/ etc" which would muddy the whole example again in counterproductive ways).

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Monday, 24 February 2014 13:23:25 UTC