3D Pointers


I'm wondering if there are any plans to incorporate 3D pointers coming from
a motion capture device such as Leap Motion. (video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d6KuiuteIA , home: https://leapmotion.com)

I do not see any such capabilities in the current proposed specification,
and this would appear to be a great limitation of the proposed pointer
events as we move toward post-touch interfaces based on similar controllers.

Leap Motion, for example, has their own API to represent "pointables" in 3D
space, and this is made available to web pages through Web Sockets and
Node.js via the controller software.

But it seems to me like it would be a better idea to create a specification
where this information could be exposed to the browser directly.

For more info on how Leap Motion is representing 3D pointables in
JavaScript, please see:
And perhaps most notably: http://leapmotion.github.com/leapjs/Pointable.html

If I'm not mistaken, I think this email to the list might constitute
"raising an issue".  But I am not sure about the correct protocol to do
that.  If anyone would care to let me know, please do.

much thanks,

Bill Fisher
Senior Design Engineer
Hot Studio

Received on Monday, 18 March 2013 09:33:23 UTC