Re: aria-current concerns from Apple

On 2015-09-11 6:03 AM, James Craig wrote:
>> On Sep 11, 2015, at 2:34 AM, Schnabel, Stefan<>  wrote:
>> >
>>> >>For example, what is the expectation when a list has two elements that both claim to be "current"?
>> >
>> >Authoring error. If so, last one wins.
> That would be the opposite of other DOM remediation patterns like @id, where the first instance wins.
> James

Author errors are always possible (likely?) but they should be caught by 
the author(s) during testing.  The problem of multiple aria-current 
attributes is not a browser issue, nor should the browser be responsible 
for fixing it since it can't determine the authors' intent.

Given the draft definition of aria-current, it's not that difficult for 
authors to test that aria-current is unique within the container.  And, 
if the draft is changed to use an IDREF, then that also leads to 
potential author errors -- ensuring the IDREF and ID match, the ID is 
unique, and so on.  Again, that should be checked and fixed by the authors.


'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2015 20:57:41 UTC