Minutes for Monday, 14 September 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Topic for #aria-apg is “next meeting on September 14th”
=-=Topic for #aria-apg was set by MichielB_ on Monday, August 31, 2015 1:23:50 PM
JaEunJemmaKu: +present JemmaJaEunKu
Agenda+ Pattern work status page update https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Aria-Authoring-Practices-Patterns-Status

Zakimnotes agendum 3 added
Agenda+ Touch bbase on publication schedule
Zakimnotes agendum 4 added
Agenda+ Tabpanel pattern review http://w3c.github.io/aria/practices/aria-practices.html#tabpanel

Zakimnotes agendum 5 added
Agenda+ Toolbar pattern review http://w3c.github.io/aria/practices/aria-practices.html#toolbar

Zakimnotes agendum 6 added
JaEunJemmaKu: https://github.com/w3c/aria/pulls

JaEunJemmaKu: https://github.com/a11ydoer/practices/blob/master/examples/link/link.html

JaEunJemmaKu: https://github.com/a11ydoer/practices/commit/bc68c3f6324fd91031fee59482544e5f334ee8c9

scribe: matt_king
Changing agenda to look at John's example templates first.
TOPIC: Example templates
JaEunJemmaKu: https://rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/link/link.html

JaEunJemmaKu: https://rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/button/button.html

JG: made adjustments to overall structure
jg: 4 sections, each w/l2 heading
jg:sections: example, kb support, roles/states/props, source code
mk: the example section has a table with different forms of the example
mk: for composite widgets, we probably can't do that in a single table
mk: we should probably have multiple sub h3 sections for multiple composite examples
|<--IanPouncey has left irc.w3.org ("Leaving.")
discussion of format of source section
JaEunJemmaKu: https://rawgit.com/a11ydoer/practices/master/examples/button/button.html

discussion of use of bg images in techniques and compatibility with high contrast mode.
jg: is using bg images on spans an authoring error
mk: not an error, but a limitation in ability to support hc mode
mk: apg examples shoyuld support hc mode
JaEunJemmaKu: it use this,  <script>       sourceCode.add('sc1', 'example')       sourceCode.make()     </script>
JaEunJemmaKu: to generate the code
mk: how is the source section generated?
jg: a js utility is generating it
jg: it is in the root jsdir for all examples
jg: where common js shared by all examples sit
jg: will work on creating 3 separate source regions in the source section, one for each link example
rssagent, make minutes
JaEunJemmaKu: RRSAgent, make minutes
JaEunJemmaKu: I think we forgot to add rrsagent , make log world.

Received on Monday, 14 September 2015 18:02:55 UTC