RE: ARIA 1.1: Deprecate @aria-grabbed and @aria-dropeffect

> You can probably use a live regions to announce the interaction. Or in some cases, @aria-selected and a simple <button> for each "action target" may be sufficient.

Actually I am already using a live region to announce the user interaction, which also supports touch device detection to customize the feedback accordingly, which you can hear by testing this page on an iPhone/iPad with VoiceOver running.

> This is just equivalent to selecting or "grabbing"... Once something is marked, the drop targets are really just buttons that act on the selected element.

This implementation already uses this technique, when a sortable Option is clicked or tapped, it is marked.

What I don't understand about this whole argument is this, if what I've already built is accessible, which you can verify by testing it on desktop and touch devices, what is so inaccessible about it that requires a total functionality redesign?

To put it another way:

1. How specifically is this implementation inaccessible?

2. How would redesigning it make it more accessible than it already is?

3. How will removing support for aria-grabbed and aria-dropeffect improve the accessibility of this widget?

Keep in mind, we are not just talking about Apple devices, but all platforms like Windows using JAWS and NVDA.

-----Original Message-----
From: James Craig [] 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 6:27 PM
To: Bryan Garaventa <>
Cc: Richard Schwerdtfeger <>; Joanmarie Diggs <>;; WAI Protocols & Formats <>
Subject: Re: ARIA 1.1: Deprecate @aria-grabbed and @aria-dropeffect

> On Sep 11, 2015, at 6:04 PM, Bryan Garaventa <> wrote:
> I think my question still stands as well though, if I don't use these attributes for this purpose, what option do I have in ARIA to accomplish providing the correct feedback for non-sighted AT users?

You can probably use a live regions to announce the interaction. Or in some cases, @aria-selected and a simple <button> for each "action target" may be sufficient.

> I don't understand what you mean by "mark of action" and "confirm action".

Typo: "mark for action"

This is just equivalent to selecting or "grabbing"... Once something is marked, the drop targets are really just buttons that act on the selected element.

> How would I code a sortable Listbox widget for non-sighted AT users in such a way that I can provide simple sortability, even if I do include mouse draggability?

For example, the equivalent of dragging a mail message to the trash could be accomplished a number of ways.

Step 1. Mark it. Either with a checkbox on the item (like Yahoo Mail does) or by using @aria-selected.
Step 2: When one or more messages is selected, the action buttons such as Delete act on it.

In your listbox case, selecting an element would mark it as movable, then arrow keys would sort it a position at a time. Refocusing the new position may provide sufficient announcement, or you could augment it with a live region.


Received on Saturday, 12 September 2015 20:25:19 UTC