Re: Questions about your name calculation litmus tests

Hi Bryan,

On 2015-11-27 5:47 PM, Bryan Garaventa wrote:
> Please let me know if anything is incorrect in the algorithm or in the 
> Visual ARIA representation of this.

One comment:  there is a way for aria-label and aria-labelledby to work 
together, namely when aria-labelledby refers to itself.  Here is a bare 
bone example, where the name is "Alfred":

<input id="self" aria-labelledby="self" aria-label="Alfred">

Example 2 in the current TR provides an more complex version of this 
interaction at step 2C ( 
I've repeated part of it below, where the <span> with role="button" has 
the name "Delete Documentation", composed from a self-referential 
aria-labelledby and its aria-label, as well as another element 
referenced from the aria-labelledby:

 >     <a id="file_row1" 
 >     <span role="button" tabindex="0" id="del_row1" 
aria-labelledby="del_row1 file_row1" aria-label="Delete" ></span>

Hope that helps.


'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Monday, 30 November 2015 15:13:30 UTC