Re: Implementation bugs (present and anticipated) with aria-owns in tabular containers

Hey Alex.

On 04/01/2015 09:42 AM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
> Not sure I get the point but number of tbody in the table shouldn't
> affect on table interface, "put them wherever in the DOM you want" is
> ambiguous as it doesn't describe the way how tbody and table are linked.

Well, that wouldn't be the exact spec text, of course. :) The exact spec
text would state that those tbody instances need to be contained in, or
owned by, an element with role table, grid, or treegrid. Having said all
that, if the consensus is that we don't want distinct ARIA roles for
parts of non-interactive tables, my question becomes obsolete.


Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2015 14:06:52 UTC