BH: Introducing the Beyond HTTP (BH) Task Force


My name is Christine O'Keefe and I lead a research group
in "Security and Privacy" for the Commonwealth Scientific
and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), based in
Canberra, Australia. My colleague Patrick Hung has
already introduced himself to you. 

Our current focus is to address the fundamental security 
and privacy issues involved in integrating existing isolated 
health and social databases for research, without compromising 
standards of privacy, security or intellectual property. 

Our intention is to implement the integration using Web 
Services Technologies, and as such the "Beyond HTTP (BH) 
Task Force", particularly the migration of P3P to Web Services, 
is of great interest to us.  

Looking forward to talking with you soon,

A/Prof Christine M O'Keefe                       Ph +61 2 6216 7021
Group Leader, Security and Privacy
CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences

Received on Wednesday, 30 April 2003 19:25:01 UTC