Re: OWL/XML schema & example

On 22 Jul 2009, at 17:52, Antoine Zimmermann wrote:

> Bijan,
> Bijan Parsia wrote:
>> On 22 Jul 2009, at 17:01, Antoine Zimmermann wrote:
>>> Dear working group fellows,
>>> I've been pointed to an issue wrt the XML schema of the OWL/XML  
>>> syntax.
>>> First, the XSD file is enclosed by <pre> ... </pre> which breaks  
>>> its validity.
>> Yeah, a known problem.
>>> Second, the example XML ontology in the spec [2] is not validated  
>>> against the schema (without <pre> ... </pre>).
>> It is valid, but there's another issue with the "live from wiki"  
>> entities all the ampersand, e.g.,
>>     <!ENTITY PN_CHARS_U    "&amp;PN_CHARS_BASE;|_">
>> Which, obviously, breaks that use of entities.
> Thanks. Why can't we just edit the file at The problem  
> seems very easy to fix.

Hysterical raisons. Basically, wikiexperimentation and I believe we  
decided to wait until the next round to fix this once and for all.

>> If you cut and paste the text of the schema as it's rendered in a  
>> browser, it works fine and it validates the example.
>> For your convenience, I've put a clean, working copy of the schema  
>> here:
>> and here's the spec example with schemaLocation pointing to the  
>> clean schema:
> It works, but one validator [1] is still not happy with you input.

I don't find that one prima facie reliable. E.g., if I put the schema  
into the bottom box, I get:

Schema Error: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: The  
targetNamespace parameter '' should be the same value as the  
targetNamespace '' of the schema. ...

Inconsistent results depending on whether it's downloading from my  
site or pulling it from a text box does not leave me filled with  
confidence :)

> [1]

1) I test with oXygen, generally. Saxon is the validator.

2) It works with:
(Don't know what the engine is.)

3) And with:
(Xerces C++)

Some others crap out in weird ways (stay away from ones aiming for  
XHTML or known vocabs...they don't even valdiate the schema).

I can't even load the w3c's page:

4) Works with schematools:

java -jar schematools-all.jar -idocument specExample.xml -sxsd  
0 validity errors detected.
[Validation time: 66859 ms]

(All this makes me realize I should get as many schema engines into  
my oxygen set up as possible. It makes this soooooo much easier. I  
think that on a windows machine, you'd get several more for free,  
e.g., xsv and .NET ones.)

5) Sun's msv:
java -jar msv-20081113/msv.jar owlxml.xsd specExample.xml
start parsing a grammar.
warnings are found. use -warning switch to see all warnings.
validating specExample.xml
the document is valid.

(I'm investigating the warnings, but they don't seem material.)

6) xmlstarlet which uses libxml2 I think.

xml val -s owlxml.xsd -e specExample.xml
specExample.xml - valid

I had someone with windows try XML Notepad and it barfed on the  
pattern (I think it's using MSXML but I don't know what version).

So, at least 5 distinct engines agree (saxon, xerces c++,  
schematools, msv, and libxml2).

Whew! Good to know :)


Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2009 18:40:57 UTC