Quick Review of New Features and Rationale

	Quick Review of NF&R

I reviewed the version of 23 April 2009.

General Comments:

- Links to WG documents should use [[...]], not [...].  However, given
  that all the links are there, they might not be worth changing now.

- The examples need to be reformatted to match what is done in the other
  WG documents for multiple syntaxes.

- Names in the examples need to be fixed to match the language, i.e.,
  abbreviated IRIs need to be "qualified".

- There are too many sub-...-sections and headers in the document.  To
  help this a bit and should not be separate sections,
  nor should there be headers in Section 4.1.2

- Section 2.7 is internally self-contradictory.  The first sentence says
  that it doesn't talk about anything that increases expressive power,
  but 2.7.3 is about boolean combinations of data ranges, which does
  increase expressive power.  Section 2.7.3 should be moved to be part
  of Section 2.3, both for this reason and also to move it with the other
  datatype stuff.

- Both references sections need to be fixed up.  Section 6 should be
  ordered.  Many references in Section 7.22 are missing components.
  Each reference to a wiki page should be examined to see if some better
  reference can be found.  If not, both the page and the reference
  should be augmented with as mouch attribution information as possible.

Specific Comments:

- The abstract should start "This document presents a simple overview"

- The paragraph before 2.2.4 could be removed.

- The document needs to include the new DisjointDataProperties axiom.

- The document needs to include datatype definitions, in Section 2.3.

- Section 2.5 needs significant work.  I suggest the following changes,
  some of which fix mistakes in the document:

  2.5.1 ...

  OWL 2 provides the construct <span class="nonterminal"
  id="a_AnnotationAssertion">AnnotationAssertion</span> for annotations
  on ontologies, entities (such as classes or properties),  and
  anonymous individuals.
  In the OWL 2 Direct Semantics, these annotations
  carry no logical import, allowing the direct use of DL reasoners. 


  OWL 2 provides the <span class="nonterminal"
  id="a_Annotation">Annotation</span> constructing for annotating axioms
  and other annotations.
  These annotations also 
  carry no logical import
  in the OWL 2 Direct Semantics.

  <example> - use 'Annotation(rdfs:comment' instead of 'Comment('

  2.5.2 Axioms for annotation properties
  Annotation properties can be given domains (<span class="nonterminal"
  id="a_AnnotationPropertyDomain">AnnotationPropertyDomain</span>) and
  ranges (<span class="nonterminal"
  id="a_AnnotationPropertyRange">AnnotationPropertyRange</span>) and
  participate in an annotation property hierarchy (<span
  These constructs
  have no logical import in the OWL 2 Direct Semantics.
  <grammar> - add domain and range gramma

- The discussions of each profile need to be turned into sentences.

Tyopgraphical but Grammatical Erors:

I fixed a number of typographical and minor grammatical errors.  Quite a
few remain, however.

Received on Thursday, 23 April 2009 17:23:54 UTC