Agenda for teleconf 21st May 2008


Call in details

When joining please don't identify yourself verbally; instead,  
Identify Yourself to ZAKIM on IRC

     * Date of Call: Wednesday May 21, 2008
     * Time of Call: 1700 UTC, 10:00 (West US), 13:00 (East US),  
18:00 (London), 19:00 (Paris)
     * Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
     * Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
     * Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
     * Participant Access Code: 69594# (OWLWG)
     * IRC Channel: port 6665 channel #owl  
     * Web-based IRC (member-only):  
(Firefox IRC addon: chatzilla)
     * Duration: 90 minutes
     * Chair: Ian Horrocks
     * Scribe: Jeff Pan (Scribe List)
     * Link to Agenda: 


     * ADMIN (20 min)
           o Roll call
           o Agenda amendments?
           o PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (07 May)
           o F2F3 - Boston/MIT July 28,29 2008
                 + Please indicate via the F2F3-People page whether  
or not you intend to participate
           o Action items status
                 + Pending Review Actions
                 + Due and overdue Actions

     * Issues (40 minutes) - Address as many as possible during  
allocated time
           o Proposals to Resolve Issues
                 + Issue 4 allow reordering in functional syntax, per  
Alan's email
                 + Issue 71 Data ranges for literals with Language,  
per Peter's email
                 + Issue 123 Should we add QCR-s into the rule set of  
OWL-R-Full/Ivan, per [1]
           o Other Issue Discussions
                 + Issue 111 User intent signalling (other than via  
mime type) see Sandro's email
                 + Issue 124 (newly open) The complement of a  
datarange is defined relative to the whole data domain
                 + Issue 109 What is the namespace for elements and  
attributes in the XML serialization (do we agree that it needs to be  
different from the OWL 2 namespace?)
                 + Issue 67 and Issue 81 Reification (see wiki page  
on Reification Alternatives)
                 + Issue 112 What name to give to Universal Property  
(see Ian's email and thread)
                 + Issue 21 and Issue 24 Imports and Versioning

     * General Discussion (25 min)
           o Issue 97 Add GRDDL to OWL/XML Syntax?

     * Additional other business (5 min)

Next Week(s)

     * General Discussions (not necessarily in this order)
           o Rich Annotations
           o Imports
           o Versioning
           o Test Cases


     * Peter Patel-Schneider (on a plane)
     * Michael Schneider (traveling)
     * Elisa Kendall (speaking at Semantic Technology Conference, see
     * Mike Smith (also at SemTech)

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2008 17:01:39 UTC