ACTION-93 are all OWL 1.0 ontologies representable in RDF

Executive Summary:  YES
Non-executive Summary:  yes, with a caveat
Actual situation: same as in OWL 1.1

Recall that an OWL 1.0 ontology has a separated vocabulary if 
1/ each URI reference in it is at most one of a class ID, a datatype ID,
   an individual ID, an individual-valued property ID, a data-valued
   property ID, an annotation property ID, an ontology property ID, or
   an ontology ID; 
2/ it doesn't use any disallowed vocabulary (e.g., owl:inverseOf,
   rdf:type) in the wrong way; and 
3/ it doesn't use the built-in names (e.g., owl:thing) in the wrong way.

In OWL 1.0 every OWL DL ontology can be expressed in the abstract syntax
and also as an RDF graph, via the transformation in (which does
not depend on a separated vocabulary).  However, such RDF graphs are not
"OWL DL ontologies in RDF graph form" because these must have a
separated vocabulary.  The OWL DL and OWL Full semantics can (and likely
do) diverge on these these RDF graphs (note that Theorems 1 and 2 in do not apply
to them).

The situation in OWL 1.1 as I envision it would be the same.  OWL 1.1
ontologies that do not have a separated vocabulary can be translated
into RDF graph form, but their Full semantics may (and is likely to)
diverge from their DL semantics.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 18:38:21 UTC