RE: OWL-1.1-Full TF [Was: Introductions]

Jeremy Carroll wrote:

>Jim Hendler wrote:
>> Michael - I have no clue what the above means - the members 
>of the WG 
>> are bothering those who care about Full with details of DL -- the 
>> charter makes it clear that, unfortunately IMO, this WG is 
>> for DL and Full, so all issues w/respect to Full are 
>completely within 
>> the WG charter and it is NOT "polluting" to have issues and 
>actions with 
>> respct to Full - in fact, if we don't, a question could be 
>raised by the 
>> AC as to whether we actually addressed our charter commitments.
>I understood Michael's point being that for any task-force type 
>sub-activity the minutae of "this needs to be done, and that 
>needs to be 
>done, and what choice are we making here" is best done in a 
>way that the 
>rest of the WG can easily ignore. I think this is pertinent.


Many of the the things which we will call "issues" in our daily work on Full
will effectively be questions analog to what the OWL-1.1-DL editor drafts'
authors had to deal with, when they created these drafts within the last few
years. This all has been done in "relative silence", i.e. without any WG
involvement. Now, that the drafts have been finished, the WG has made them
into WDs and raises issues about the current state of these documents. 

So we might want to copycat: Create an OWL-Full editor's draft in "relative
silence", and then put it in front of the WG, in order to make it into a WD
and to raise issues. 

This is the most efficient way to work, I think. We don't have several
years, paired with workshops and conferences, and many people discussing and
researching, to create OWL-Full. We have to work pretty efficiently.

>Not that the bigger issues and responsibilities can be ignored.

Of course not, as I said myself in my previous mail.

Ok, I have to leave my office,

Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe
Abtl. Information Process Engineering (IPE)
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Received on Monday, 14 January 2008 17:32:58 UTC