ISSUE-64 (obj-prop-chain rep): REPORTED: object property chains in triples: confusion of list with property

ISSUE-64 (obj-prop-chain rep): REPORTED:  object property chains in triples: confusion of list with property

Raised by: Jeremy Carroll
On product: 

The rule

subObjectPropertyChain(op1 ... opn) 

T(SEQ op1 ... opn) SUBPROPERTYOF[op1,...,opn,op] T(op)

seems to give a resource which is a list a property extension.

Is this wise?

Would adding an additional property e.g.
to link an unknown property to the list of properties that are being chained together be better.

If not, at what point in an OWL Full semantics does a list of properties get the semantics of a property chain?

Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2007 14:47:12 UTC