Re: Reflexive properties in OWL

Hi Michael,

So good to get an exact answer for what I looked for. I didn't know that 
"new" feature before.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Michael Schneider
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2010 6:12 PM
To: Bikash Gyawali
Cc: Public Owl Mailing List
Subject: RE: Reflexive properties in OWL

Hi Bikash,

to define a property :p to be "locally-reflexive" w.r.t. class :C, make :C a
subclass of the self-restriction on :p (new feature of OWL 2):

    :C rdfs:subClassOf [
        rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
        owl:onProperty :p ;
        owl:hasSelf "true"^^xsd:boolean ] .

This can be read as follows: For every instance x of class :C the reflexive
property assertion x :p x holds.

If you want to additionally ensure that the only reflexive triples for :p
are those with values from :C, then replace "rdfs:subClassOf" by
"owl:equivalentClass" in the above axiom.


From: []
On Behalf Of Bikash Gyawali
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2010 1:52 PM
To: Public Owl Mailing List
Subject: Fw: Reflexive properties in OWL

Hello All,

The specification of domain and range for any property doesn't act as
It just acts as an axiom in OWL.
So, I am just creating properties (without specifying their domain and
roles). Later,I create restrictions on the property belonging to that
respective class.

However, I see a problem in reflexive properties.
The reflexive property is automatically being assigned to all classes
in the ontology. I don't want that to happen. When I create a reflexive
I intend to act it so only for my particular class of choice.

With other types of properties, this is not a problem.
The reflexive property is "smarter" because it always knows its domain
and role beforehand. So, its getting attached to all classes in the

How can I restrict the reflexive property to a particular class?

Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
Research Scientist, Information Process Engineering (IPE)
Tel  : +49-721-9654-726
Fax  : +49-721-9654-727
WWW  :
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik an der Universität Karlsruhe
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14, D-76131 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49-721-9654-0, Fax: +49-721-9654-959
Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts, Az 14-0563.1, RP Karlsruhe
Vorstand: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Dillmann, Dipl. Wi.-Ing. Michael Flor,
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolffried Stucky, Prof. Dr. Rudi Studer
Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums: Ministerialdirigent Günther Leßnerkraus

Received on Monday, 27 December 2010 17:27:25 UTC