Re: Implementations of LCS for OWL


Can you define your use case a bit more clearly?

Are you trying to find the simplest expression for a defined class  
that would be guaranteed to subsume both C and D (excluding simply C  
or D)?
If so is the interest in finding the subsumer or in the structure of  
the expressions in the definition

Are you intrested only in named classes?

e.g. C=B & r some Q
        D=B & r some S

A = B & r some (Q or S)

or do you care about the named subsumers of Q and S.

(I won't have a solution, but I am curious as to what the problem is?)

Or there's the least common named subsumer in the inferred  
classification lattice
using lattice theoretical tools, but I presume that is not what you  
are asking or
you wouldn't be asking it.



On 28 Apr 2010, at 04:18, Chris Mungall wrote:

> I'm looking for efficient implementations of the LCS (least common  
> subsumer) function for OWL. The function take two classes or class  
> expressions C, D and return the minimal class or class expression  
> that subsumes both. Obviously this excludes UnionOf constructs used  
> in the results. Intersection and existential restrictions would be  
> fine.
> I see there's a vast literature on this going back to the earliest  
> days of DL systems, but surprisingly little in the way of  
> implementations.
> The only implementation I'm aware of is SONIC:
> But this has two drawbacks from my perspective:
> * It's not open source, and requires non-open source tools
> * It looks like it's not maintained (the installation instructions  
> say that OilEd is required)
> Ideally the implementation would be open source and well-integrated  
> with current tools (e.g. works with the OWLAPI and/or OWLlink). I'd  
> be willing to work a little on the plumbing, but not for closed  
> source tools.

Alan Rector
Professor of Medical Informatics
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL, UK
TEL +44 (0) 161 275 6149/6188
FAX +44 (0) 161 275 6204

Received on Thursday, 29 April 2010 12:14:15 UTC