RE: Intersection of properties?

Two questions for my interest:

Bijan Parsia wrote:

>On Aug 3, 2008, at 7:58 PM, Jeff Thompson wrote:

>> And yet, the argument against
>> adding more expressiveness to OWL 2 (still decidable) is the fear
>> that not enough people will implement it and so that "OWL 2 compliant"
>> won't mean much.
>What? The argument against boolean role boxes, in general, is that
>it's relatively hard to do and there's been relatively little demand
>for it. 

Question 1: Is sROIQ + role intersection known to be decidable? The
Complexity simulator [1] only tells me that concept satisfiability is
NExpTime hard, but there's no explicit statement that this language is
decidable. (For sROIQ, however, there exists such an explicit statement.)
But maybe this statement has just been forgotten, or the entry is not up to
date with the literature. So what's the state here? 

>ALBO is *very* expressive but, you know, doesn't have
>cardinality restrictions.

Question 2: I guess that the "B" stands for "[B]oolean role box", and
probably subsumes a few more language features, too, right? (I don't find
"B" mentioned in the complexity simulator.)

Thanks in advance,

[1] <>

Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
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Received on Sunday, 3 August 2008 19:56:40 UTC