Annotations with OWL

I'm currently trying to model a domain with OWL.
I would like to model quality dimension such as accuracy and  precision wihtin my model.
For example :
Given the following property definitions :
property hasPrice of type float.
property hasCost of type float.
Given a class definition :
class Article
hasPrice exactly 1.
hasCost exactly 1.
I would like to expresse or even just document that the hasPrice property of class Article must have a "Precision of 2 Digits" and have an acccuracy of "+/- 10 canadian  cents".
I would like to expresse or even just document that the hascost property of class Article must have a "Precision of 4 Digits" and have an acccuracy of "+/- 5 canadian cents".
Thank you,

Received on Thursday, 13 December 2007 01:29:18 UTC