Re: Axiom annotations

[@Holger: cc'd to you to let you know, because parts of this mail are 
citing you or are about Topbraid Composer]

[@Bijan: This is a reply to both of your answers]

Bijan Parsia wrote on Wed, 18 Apr 2007, 21:36:57 +0100:

 > On Apr 18, 2007, at 8:49 PM, Michael Schneider wrote:
>> Wouldn't the introduction of RDF reification into the OWL2RDF  
>> mapping exclude the reification vocabulary from being used in OWL  
>> axioms?
>> Until now, reification hasn't been blacklisted in
>> but then it would probably be.
>> Again, yet another widely used feature of RDF which is going to be  
>> forbidden in OWL.
> Some might take issue with the terms "widely used" and "feature" when  
> applied to reification.

I remember an entry about reification in Holger Knublauch's Topbraid 
Composer (TBC) Blog:


    "In our recent modeling exercises with real-world customers
    it became (once more) evident that reified relationships
    are a key requirement in many domains."

So (as Jeremy already reported for the case of Jena users) there seem to 
be quite a few people who really use reification.

Bijan Parsia wrote on Wed, 18 Apr 2007, 21:55:38 +0100:

> On Apr 18, 2007, at 9:36 PM, Michael Schneider wrote:
>> If I correctly understand Alan's above citation from the draft,  
>> this is meant as an "EITHER s p o OR reification" (whatever form of  
>> reification will be used in the end).
>> Really, I would prefer to have a "ALWAYS s p o AND ADDITIONALLY  
> This is possible but a bit dangerous. There is no connection between  
> the reification and the regular, thus it's possible for them to get  
> out of synch. If they do get out of synch, how do you know that your  
> annotation is annotating *that* axiom?

Hm, can you please elaborate on this argument a little more? I am not 
sure if I really understand it completely.

What do you mean by "no connection"? When I have an RDF file containing 
an spo statement and a reified statement, I don't see any difficulties 
to decide in any possible case, if the reified statement is a 
reification of the spo statement or not. So I would say that there is a 
pretty strong connection between an spo statement and its reification, 
at least when it is in the same file/ontology. Am I wrong?

And what exactly do you mean by "getting out of sync"? Do you mean some 
situation of the kind where I change e.g. the subject of the spo 
statement, but forget to also update the rdf:subject's value of the 
reified statement? Such an accident is, of course, always possible, not 
only for reified statements. For instance, if I have an EnumeratedClass 
E and change the URI of one of its instances i in the Description of i, 
than I have to update this instance's URI in the 'oneOf' list of E, too. 
Such kinds of mistakes can easily happen when doing /manual/ editing. 
But, personally, I nearly never edit ontologies without a proper tool 
(exceptions are sometimes trivial ontologies for demonstration purposes 
in mailing list postings).

For example, I have just created an ontology with the Topbraid Composer 
(TBC) ontology editor, containing a single statement 'i1 p i2', and then 
I reified this statement (reification of statements is directly 
supported by TBC in a pretty convenient way). Then, I changed the name 
of individual 'i2' to 'i3'. This changed both, the object name of the 
regular statement, and the rdf:object's value of the reified statement. 
So no danger of getting out of sync here!

I still prefer the approach of having /always/ spo, and only additional 
reification, if needed!

 >> And specifically, RDF/XML provides me with a nice syntactic trick
 >> to get reification from an existing triple, by adding an 'rdf:ID'
 >> attribute to the predicate property, see
 >> So my XML serialization would be even /smaller/ in comparison with
 >> reification without the s p o triple included.
 > is this smaller than just having the reified one using the
 > syntactic trick? I'm missing something.

AFAIK the ID trick only works with /existing/ spo statements. So in 
order to specify in RDF/XML a reification /without/ also having the 
associated spo statement, you have to explicitly write down the full 
form of reification. This will (in general) produce larger 
serializations (measured in bytes), I suppose.

BTW, Topbraid Composer also applies the "rdf:ID in properties" trick of 
RDF/XML, when storing the created ontology into a file. Though I think 
that this is in fact done by the Jena RDF/XML serializer, which I think 
is used internally by TBC. Holger will certainly know for sure (and 
Jeremy has already confirmed that Jena uses the ID trick).


Received on Thursday, 19 April 2007 20:33:33 UTC