RE: Use case - alice multiway video sending using SVC and changing codecs

Robin said: 

"1) Alice (who supports "codec1", "codec2") wants to send video to Bob,
Charles and Debbie (who all support "codec1" and "codec2")
2) Alice decides to SVC encode the information once using "codec1" and
send that encoded stream to Bob, Charles and Debbie (but since each
receiving party aren't all equal bandwidth some will receive more layers
than others)."

[BA]  Is SVC being used here in order to save encoding resources?   Typically we see SVC used in scenarios involving a "Scalable Forwarding Unit" which forwards/drops SVC streams going to multiple participants.  

Where Alice is sending the same layered bitstream to multiple participants, it would could reuse the SVC encoding, but it would need to create separate RTP streams to Bob, Charles and Debbie. 

So in this scenario, the savings is in creating a single layered bitstream that can be adapted for the different bandwidths of each participant (e.g. Alice might send all the streams to Bob, only the base layer to Charles and some subset of layers to Debbie).  


Received on Sunday, 11 May 2014 23:20:17 UTC