Use case - alice multiway video sending using SVC and changing codecs

1) Alice (who supports "codec1", "codec2") wants to send video to Bob, 
Charles and Debbie (who all support "codec1" and "codec2")
2) Alice decides to SVC encode the information once using "codec1" and 
send that encoded stream to Bob, Charles and Debbie (but since each 
receiving party aren't all equal bandwidth some will receive more layers 
than others).
3) Edward wants to receive video from Alice but only supports "codec2" 
with SVC
4) Alice switches to "codec2" SVC and sends to Bob, Charles, Debbie and 

Currently, it would have to be setup as follows:
1) Alice would need to create a "RtpSender" object for each party (which 
would have an "RtpReceiver" object)
2) Alice would have to configure each and every RtpSender's SVC identically
3) When switching codecs, Alice would need to set up a brand new 
RtpSender object per receiver and each receiver would need to create a 
brand new RtpReceiver object when the codec was switched

Obviously, we can argue if that use case should be supported or not but 
this is a realistic use case I want/need ORTC be able to do. Plus, since 
ORTC is supposed to be able to support simulcast and SVC (and SVC is all 
about multi-party video) this doesn't seem like a far fetched scenario.

So might I suggest a couple of things to make this a LOT easier:

a) make the SVC layering information as part of the codec's usage 
definition on the receiver. This would allow switching between codecs 
with the same SSRC for the receiver without having to set up brand new 
receiver object every time a codec is changed (fyi - we already support 
being able to switch codecs on the receiver where no SVC codec is 
involved but it currently that doesn't appear possible when an SVC 
capable codecs is used).

b) to avoid SVC re-encoding again and against per sender when the 
encoding mechanism is identical, we recommend media engines auto-detect 
the same encoding data will be output from multiple "RtpSender" objects; 
alternatively, we could avoid the auto-detection of identical encodings 
by way of allowing a "RtpSender" to send via more than one 
RtpIceTransport / RtpDtlsTransport if we want more of an explicit 
definition than an implicit one.


Received on Sunday, 11 May 2014 15:44:33 UTC