Re: [ortc] Ability to set priority field in RTCIceCandidate? (#42)

[RR] Yes, changing priority while ICE checks are in progress sounds 
dangerous. It could be done while no candidates are in progress but 
afterwards it could have strange behaviours. So while you might be able 
to re-prioritize IPv4 over IPv6 before the session starts, changing back 
to IPv6 over IPv4 after the ICE checks are in progress (or even 
completed) might cause unexpected problems.

> Bernard Aboba <>
> April 13, 2014 at 9:13 PM
> Changing priority (or deleting candidates) while ICE checks are 
> ongoing seems dangerous - the peers could get out of sync. So a 
> setRemoteCandidates call or a change to local candidates probably 
> implies an ICE restart if checks are ongoing.

Received on Monday, 14 April 2014 03:23:46 UTC