Re: Web standards, Openness and Transparency

On 8/12/14 1:23 PM, Marcos Caceres wrote:
> [speaking about "open w3c"...] we probably need to drag in the W3C team people trying to sort this out (I think that's PLH). It would be great to get a status update on where all this is at. I'm worried that we might be doing duplicate work here by even discussing this stuff.

As a reminder, earlier I mentioned this general "/TR graveyard" issue is 
now captured as [Issue-106] for the W3Process group and I still think 
that group is the best venue to discuss it, and I think Consortium staff 
are members of that group.

I don't know if that group has agreed on a `priority` for Issue-106 but 
if you or anyone else considers it a high priority, then please send a 
related e-mail to public-w3process and include the literal "issue-106" 
in the Subject or Body of the email (this will make sure that group's 
issue tracker automagically includes your email in the issue's `paper 

-Thanks, AB

[Issue-106] <>

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 18:44:40 UTC