
Hi Phil,

I checked the archives, but I could not find Daniel Schwabe’s message. Was it made to another list?

I had been using that namespace as a placeholder with the intention of eventually following up about its use. (To my knowledge, everyone is using Popolo as plain JSON and not taking advantage of any RDF features, so nothing relies on the namespace at the moment.) I chose that namespace because my understanding of the terms for W3C Community Groups is that an identically-named namespace can be made available. However, I haven’t spoken to anyone at W3C about it. So, let this be the start of that discussion! What are the next steps?



> On Nov 18, 2015, at 10:00 AM, Phil Archer <> wrote:
> James,
> As you may recall from his postings on this list a few weeks back, Daniel Schwabe is looking into using the Popolo vocabulary. He's brought my attention to your/Popolo's use of a namespace that doesn't dereference, i.e.
> We can probably help with that, i.e. we could potentially host the vocabulary, but we'd need to go through a few hoops to get there. Can you please fill me in on how the use of this namespace has come about? Did you talk to anyone at W3C about it? I want to be helpful and support the work you/this community is doing as it's clearly valuable but in order to do that, we need to work together.
> Thanks
> Phil.
> --
> Phil Archer
> W3C Data Activity Lead
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1

Received on Wednesday, 18 November 2015 15:08:03 UTC