Re: Review of future/core.html

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 3:56 AM, Paolo Ciccarese
<> wrote:
> That is related to the nature of the document 'future' as it evolved in
> time.
> Once we have agreement, it will be moved to the right location and the links
> will be updated.
> But probably "previous version" could be updated already.

In W3C specs we refer to the 'trunk' as "Latest editor's draft". See
for example

vs  (in Firefox)

I don't know where the latest editors draft of OA is, although right
now it is at /spec/future/.

>> 3) "The Body and Target MAY be of any media type" - I would change
>> this to lower-case "may" - or are you suggesting there are cases when
>> they are not of any media type?
> 'can be'?


>> 4) "See Further Examples" links don't work.
> They are not yet existing :)

Are they meant to be out on release? If not I would propose removing
the links or at least make a placeholder page.

> All the examples are abstract. mimetype1 is a placeholder for any applicable
> mime type.
> In that specific example, it could be "text/plain", "text/html"...

Yes, but I would try to keep them syntactically valid at least, as it
would reduce confusion and increase recognition. Otherwise we are
going to find annotations with dc:format "html".

text/plain should also be a well known media type.

Same argument goes for the datetime example - by just showing a proper
timestamp with the correct ^^ XSD type, you should recognize the
syntax, and we reduce the chance that we will find various unparseable
datetime formats and lack of literal types (as you will find in the
wild for any of the dc:date properties). We are after all giving
examples here, not specifying an abstract template.

Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Received on Monday, 28 January 2013 10:06:38 UTC