morph module telco 20/11/18 minutes

Hi everyone,

I would like to share with you the minutes of the first telco regarding 
the morphology module. Unfortunately, many people who liked to 
participate could not join, so it was only Julia, Max, Jorge and me 
exchanging our thoughts on the central issue for the next telcos, i.e. 
what is the purpose/content of the module? Below I copied the minutes 
for you:



Assumed that module should be glue between mmoon and ontolex

Would like Bettina to create reduced version of mmoon as starting point


Still issues and examples that need to be taken into account in modelling

Have flex and toolbox data - share it please


Collect representation needs that justifies adding this module

MMoOn very large and complex - try to produce minimal modules covering 
the maximum

Julia: are issues in Wiki issues found in dictionaries (contradiction to 
issues listed afterwards)?

At which linguistic levels do these issues generally occur (lexical, 
syntactic level)?

Max: yes in arabic dictionaries word-forms are listed as well

Bettina: narrow scope to lexicographic needs or open widen scope to 
grammatical and morphological analysis?

Max: against wide scope. Just representation of morphemes in relation to 
lexical entries, don’t represent meanings of morphemes in the module 
rather point to sense outside of module

The opinions refer to point #3 in the following document: 
where I copied John's definition of the purpose from the wiki page 
( that served as a 
starting point.

We all agreed that this is an import issue which requires more community 
input. *Even if you cannot join the calls, please, share your thoughts, 
expectations and requirements that you personally see as the purpose of 
this module.* At the moment we are collecting also every kind of example 
data (RDF and non-RDF) that you would like to share or that illustrates 
what kind of needs you have regarding the content and modelling. Send 
your example data to me via e-mail and I will collect everything in an 
extra document which we can use as the basis for the discussion for the 
future telcos.

Also, I would like you to know that I drafted the procedure I am 
planning to follow in the creation of this new OntoLex module. You can 
find it in the document link above.

Looking forward to your input on the purpose of the module and your 
example data :)

All the best,


Bettina Klimek
PhD Student
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI)
Goerdelerring 9
04109 Leipzig

Research Group:
Events: 12th May 2018 "LDL 2018 : 6th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2018): Towards Linguistic Data Science"

Received on Friday, 23 November 2018 21:40:50 UTC