Re: vartrans module

Dear Manuel, all,

  thanks for the detailed comments on the vartrans module.

This is a gentle reminder to everyone that we will have our regular 
ontolex telco today at 16:00 to have the final discussion on the 
vartrans module...

Btw: something that we should think about is who will be the final 
editors of the final spec. I think it is fair to give credit to all 
those that have worked very intensely on the model. My proposal would be 
to add the following people:

UNIBI: John McCrae, Philipp Cimiano
UPM: Elena Montiel Ponsoda, Lupe Aguado de Cea
Tor Vergata: Armando Stellato, Manuel Fiorelli
Pisa: Fahad
Paris: Aldo Gangemi
Insight: Paul Buitelaar

Apologies if I have forgotten anybody that feels has contributed 
substantially to the spec, anyone?

Access details can be found here:,_2015.6.26,_16-17_pm_CET

Talk to you later....


Am 25.06.15 um 18:41 schrieb Manuel Fiorelli:
> Hi Philipp, All
> I have just completed the review of the vartrans module. Please find 
> my comments below.
> Section "Lexico-Semantic Relations"
> -----------------------------------
> "The model defines a generic class lexico-semantic relation that allows "
> There is a link to a non existing page. I suppose it should have been 
> "vartrans:LexicoSemanticRelation"
> ------------
> Definition box of ObjectProperty: relates
> The domain should be vartrans:LexicoSemanticRelation
> ------------
> The definitions of vartrans:source and vartrans:target explicitly 
> refer to translations, but /example1/ clearly shows that it can be 
> used in general to represent the directionality of a lexico-semantic 
> relation. Either the definition should be generalized or /example1/ is 
> wrong.
> -------------
> The definition of the property vartrans:category should be 
> anticipated, because it is used in the /example1/.
> -------------
> "By lexical relations, we understand those relations at the surface 
> forms, mainly motivated by grammatical requirements, style 
> (Wortklang), and linguistic economy (helping to avoid excessive 
> denominative repetition and improving textual coherence)."
> I would like to see more examples. In particular, I would like to see 
> how "Orthographic variants" should be represented: indeed, as far as I 
> remember, "localize" and "localise" are two written representations of 
> the same form. Ideally, I would like to see an example for each 
> top-level item.
> -------------
> The property vartrans:context is not associated with an example.
> -------------
> Just before the definition of the property vartrans:category, I can 
> see this paragraph:
> "Examples of semantic relations are the equivalence relation between 
> two senses, hypernymy and hyponymy relations, synonymy, antonymy, 
> terminological variation, translation (see below on the latter two 
> types of variation)."
> At the beginning of the section "Translation", you assert that 
> translations are somehow special in the sense that they have a 
> dedicated class in the model. In fact, the same holds true for 
> terminological variants. Therefore, in place of a "(see below on the 
> latter two types of variation)", I would write something like that:
> "The vartrans module has a special treatment for the the latter two 
> types of variation, which will be discussed thoroughly later"
> -------------
> In the introduction of /example 3/ (mother and surrogate mother), I 
> would state in words that the goal is to represent the fact that the 
> senses associated with the two lexical entries are one more general 
> than the other, and I would underly the use of /vartrans:category/ to 
> tell the specific type of relation.
> -------------
> In the section "Translation" I would give an example of cultural 
> equivalent translation.
> -------------
> In /example 7/,
> the triple
> ":surrogate_mother_sense ontolex:reference 
> <>."
> has the wrong subject. The properties of the Translation resources 
> have not been properly indented.
> -------------
> I know that the specification should not endorse any catalog of 
> categories. However, an adopter should be informed about reasonable 
> choices. Maybe we should give explicit pointers to LexInfo2, IsoCat, 
> ...and so on. Not sure if we should give precise references. For 
> instance, having said that there are direct translations and cultural 
> equivalent ones, also give the names of the corresponding properties 
> in common catalogs. In fact, these are only two possible cases, 
> because each catalog may introduce whatever distinction it prefers.
> Best regards
> Manuel Fiorelli
> 2015-06-22 21:57 GMT+02:00 Philipp Cimiano 
> < 
> <>>:
>     Dear all,
>        last week I have been working with Madrid (Lupe and Elena) on
>     the vartrans module. We regard the version online as the final
>     version of the module. We will discuss any final concerns on the
>     the vartrans module this Friday at our regular slot at 16:00 (CET).
>     Please send me, as usual, any comments until Thursday night.
>     See here access details for the telco:
>     Kind regards and talk to you soon...
>     Philipp.
>     -- 
>     --
>     Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
>     AG Semantic Computing
>     Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
>     Universität Bielefeld
>     Tel: +49 521 106 12249 <tel:%2B49%20521%20106%2012249>
>     Fax: +49 521 106 6560 <tel:%2B49%20521%20106%206560>
>     Mail:
>     <>
>     Office CITEC-2.307
>     Universitätsstr. 21-25
>     33615 Bielefeld, NRW
>     Germany
> -- 
> Manuel Fiorelli

Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
AG Semantic Computing
Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
Universität Bielefeld

Tel: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 6560

Office CITEC-2.307
Universitätsstr. 21-25
33615 Bielefeld, NRW

Received on Friday, 26 June 2015 06:31:45 UTC