Re: vartrans module

Hi Philipp, All

I have just completed the review of the vartrans module. Please find my
comments below.

Section "Lexico-Semantic Relations"

"The model defines a generic class lexico-semantic relation that allows "

There is a link to a non existing page. I suppose it should have been "


Definition box of ObjectProperty: relates

The domain should be vartrans:LexicoSemanticRelation


The definitions of vartrans:source and vartrans:target explicitly refer to
translations, but *example1* clearly shows that it can be used in general
to represent the directionality of a lexico-semantic relation. Either the
definition should be generalized or *example1* is wrong.


The definition of the property vartrans:category should be anticipated,
because it is used in the *example1*.


"By lexical relations, we understand those relations at the surface forms,
mainly motivated by grammatical requirements, style (Wortklang), and
linguistic economy (helping to avoid excessive denominative repetition and
improving textual coherence)."

I would like to see more examples. In particular, I would like to see how
"Orthographic variants" should be represented: indeed, as far as I
remember, "localize" and "localise" are two written representations of the
same form. Ideally, I would like to see an example for each top-level item.


The property vartrans:context is not associated with an example.


Just before the definition of the property vartrans:category, I can see
this paragraph:

"Examples of semantic relations are the equivalence relation between two
senses, hypernymy and hyponymy relations, synonymy, antonymy,
terminological variation, translation (see below on the latter two types of

At the beginning of the section "Translation", you assert that translations
are somehow special in the sense that they have a dedicated class in the
model. In fact, the same holds true for terminological variants. Therefore,
in place of a "(see below on the latter two types of variation)", I would
write something like that:

"The vartrans module has a special treatment for the the latter two types
of variation, which will be discussed thoroughly later"


In the introduction of *example 3* (mother and surrogate mother), I would
state in words that the goal is to represent the fact that the senses
associated with the two lexical entries are one more general than the
other, and I would underly the use of *vartrans:category* to tell the
specific type of relation.


In the section "Translation" I would give an example of cultural equivalent


In *example 7*,

the triple

":surrogate_mother_sense ontolex:reference <>."

has the wrong subject. The properties of the Translation resources have not
been properly indented.


I know that the specification should not endorse any catalog of categories.
However, an adopter should be informed about reasonable choices. Maybe we
should give explicit pointers to LexInfo2, IsoCat, ...and so on. Not sure
if we should give precise references. For instance, having said that there
are direct translations and cultural equivalent ones, also give the names
of the corresponding properties in common catalogs. In fact, these are only
two possible cases, because each catalog may introduce whatever distinction
it prefers.

Best regards

Manuel Fiorelli

2015-06-22 21:57 GMT+02:00 Philipp Cimiano <>

> Dear all,
>    last week I have been working with Madrid (Lupe and Elena) on the
> vartrans module. We regard the version online as the final version of the
> module. We will discuss any final concerns on the the vartrans module this
> Friday at our regular slot at 16:00 (CET).
> Please send me, as usual, any comments until Thursday night.
> See here access details for the telco:
> Kind regards and talk to you soon...
> Philipp.
> --
> --
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> AG Semantic Computing
> Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
> Universität Bielefeld
> Tel: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 6560
> Mail:
> Office CITEC-2.307
> Universitätsstr. 21-25
> 33615 Bielefeld, NRW
> Germany

Manuel Fiorelli

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2015 16:41:30 UTC