Re: Lexicographic Data in Ontolex (Draft) for the telco of Friday, 10th of October, 15:00

Hi Philipp,

Thanks for the comments you are providing on this. I will check this in 
the next few days!


Am 10.10.2014 15:00, schrieb Philipp Cimiano:
> Hi Thierry,
>  thanks for sharing this with us. A few comments:
> 1) I wonder why you do not use the original IDs of lexical entries in 
> the URIs of the lexical entries you create. That would make it easier 
> to identify the original source entry.
> 2) I wonder why you use ontolex:denotes instead of ontolex:sense. What 
> you describe as range of ontolex:denotes seem to be senses rather than 
> concepts with concrete examples of usage.
> 3) It seems that you have not modelled the translations relations in 
> the data, so far, is that right or did I miss them?
> 4) You use the ontolex namespace for your own URIs. That is wrong as 
> they are not in the ontolex namespace. Please use your own (local) 
> namespace there
> 5)
> ontolex:sense_Sense_1_apc_eng_ahziye_001
>     rdf:type ontolex:SenseLexicon ;
>     rdfs:label "Zapatos"^^xsd:string ;
>     ontolex:language "es"^^xsd:string ;
> .
> This should be an ontolex:LexicalSense not an ontolex:SenseLexicon. 
> The range of ontolex:sense is always an ontolex:LexicalSense
> In general, I think it would be good to follow the guidelines that 
> Jorge has used in translating the Apertium lexica to lemon/ontolex 
> RDF. It seems to be the same type of data so that similar principles 
> should apply.
> See here: 
> Regards,
> Philipp.
> Am 09.10.14 12:26, schrieb Thierry Declerck:
>> Am 09.10.2014 09:30, schrieb Philipp Cimiano:
>>> Dear all,
>>>   this is a gentle reminder that we will have our regular ontolex 
>>> teleconference tomorrow 10th of October at 15:00. I will send out 
>>> access details tonight.
>>> As main agenda point I have the following:
>>> 1) Variation and translation module: discussion on definitions, etc.
>>> 2) Lexicographic work of Thierry (@Thierry: can you please paste the 
>>> documents to the list as not everyone has access to the LIDER Google 
>>> docs, thanks!)
>> Dear Philipp, All,
>> Please find attached the files Philipp is mentioning. The file 
>> tei2ontolex is the result of my "playing" with the conversion of two 
>> TEI encoded dictionaries/lexicons of Arabic dialects (files 
>> attached), which have been tansmitted to us by the Austrian Academy 
>> of Sciences (Karl-Heinz Mörth, at ICLTT). In the context of the COST 
>> Action ENeL (, in which the Austrian 
>> Academy is centrally involved, we get some more lexicographic data in 
>> various formats and languages (and coverage). Interest to Ontolex is 
>> quite active there (we gave two talks in this COST action), and if we 
>> can get to some guidelines/proposals for encoding such data, this 
>> would give quite some impact to our work (Ontolex CG, but also the 
>> project LIDER) I thin.
>> All I have been doing so far is to follow my intuition on how some of 
>> the TEI encoded data can be represented with Ontolex and Lexinfo. I 
>> also added some features, like properties for time/date and location 
>> (for other data I am working this is relevant, for example for 
>> marking the locations in which a dialect is in use, or giving some 
>> temporal information to etymological information.
>> Well just a first attempt on my side, applied to relatively 
>> consistent data (you will see that the way people encode sense at the 
>> input side is not very consistent).
>> For this attempt, I first had a look at the input data and had some 
>> manual encodings using TopBraid.
>> The I wrote a Perl script for transforming the whole data set. The 
>> resulting ttl file can be edited in TopBraid. I didn't manage to see 
>> the result in Protégé.
>> I can any time adapt my script to the suggestions made by the group.
>> Tomorrow I can not attend the telco, but I think that the data I am 
>> sending in the attachement are cleear :-)
>> Best
>> Thierry


Thierry Declerck,
Senior Consultant at DFKI GmbH, Language Technology Lab
Stuhlsatzenhausweg, 3
D-66123 Saarbruecken
Phone: +49 681 / 857 75-53 58
Fax: +49 681 / 857 75-53 38

Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
Firmensitz: Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
Dr. Walter Olthoff

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes

Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Received on Friday, 10 October 2014 16:27:21 UTC