Re: Hierarchical assets in ODRL 1.1

> You current XML example would not be valid…but there could be a solution provided by Expression Containers (see section 2.12 of the V1.1 spec).
> It would look something like:
> <asset ID=“001">
> 		<container type=“and">
> 			<asset ID=“011”>…</asset>
> 			<asset ID=“012”>…</asset>
> 			<asset ID=“013”>…</asset>
> 		</container>
> </asset>

Nice idea! But I read in the ODRL 1.1 Expression Language XML Schema file that an asset element (at the XML level, I mean) can contain like child elements only context, inherit, digest and KeyInfo elements but not container elements. At the same time, a content element can contain several permission, constraint, requirement, condition, RightsHolder elements end other container elements, but not asset elements. In fact, at the validation time, several errors appear about which elements are allowed (and which elements are not allowed) in the asset and container elements.
Maybe I can declare a first general asset (with ID) and several secondary assets (with relative ID) like inherit elements from the first asset (see section 2.15 of the V1.1 spec).

<asset id=“001”>

<asset id=“011”>

<asset id=“012”>

Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2015 15:38:39 UTC