WAC's Webview API

WAC has published an updated draft of their "Webview API" [1], which "lets you pop-up a mini browser inside your application."

The use cases: 

  * Make use of HTTP redirect-based web authentication and authorization protocols (e.g. OAuth 1.0 or OAuth 2.0).
  * Securely purchase an item on some Website (e.g., buy a book or airline ticket online).
  * Browse content on the Web (e.g., view a link derived from some information source like Twitter).

If this looks interesting to you, and you think this group would benefit from the spec, I can see if WAC can contribute it to the CG.

[1] http://specs.wacapps.net/webview/index.html 

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2012 19:40:50 UTC