Re: Json-LD to N3?

> On 1. Feb 2023, at 08:10, Patrick Hochstenbach <> wrote:
>> From: Henry Story <>
>> Date: Tuesday, 31 January 2023 at 20:59
>> To: <>
>> Subject: Json-LD to N3?
>> Hi,
>> I find Json-LD a bit opaque to read. Is there a way I can convert it to n3,
>> so I can see clearly what the graphs are?
>> I can use the json-ld playground to convert it to Nquads, but I could
>> not see how to get nquads to n3 using eye. 
>> Henry
>  I always use for conversions:
>  Patrick

I am trying to convert the examples from the Verifiable Credentials Data Model spec such as
so that I can clearly work out what is a quoted graph and what is not. That type
of information is very much obscured by JSON-LD, even though it is essential to
understanding claims.

Easyrdf does not give me any output when I tried to convert the cleaned 
up Verifiable Claim example [1]. 

Greg Kellog pointed me to his RDF distiller

And that gives the n3 result as shown in the second snippet of [1]. That is consistent
with the result given by first going through and first
converting to NQuads (third snipped in [1]) and then using distiller to convert nquads to n3.

Interestingly both of those seem to reveal a problem with the first example json-ld, as it 
produces the following two triples in n3

  <did:example:c276e12ec21ebfeb1f712ebc6f1> schema:name [], [] .

But one can see quite clearly that the same is true in nquads.
Greg Kellog suggested this may be a problem with ”value” and ”lang” fields not
having been declared, and indeed when using the jsonld playground it helpfully
suggests using @value and @language instead.  With that we then get the
jsonld in [2] and the nquads and n3 conversions that go with it using distiller.

Now I would have expected the graph to be signed to be quoted, and linked to by a
signature. We seem to be having the opposite going on here.



Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2023 10:13:24 UTC