Re: new charter version

Dear All,

i would be happy to hear opinions form others about the comments Renjish 
made and my answers ? this is important before i move ot the formal steps


Le 19/01/2010 12:33, Stephane Boyera a écrit :
> Hi Renjish,
> thanks for the comments
> my reaction:
>> The charter doc has captured different dimensions of MW4D,
>> namely Application domains, Tools, Impact Analysis, Business Models and
>> Service Adoption Methodologies quite well. Thanks.
>> May I also suggest that we include a statement somewhere (perhaps in the
>> Approach section?) in the doc emphasizing that the primary objective
>> is to identify the "best practices" based on empirical evidences and not
>> to invent new methodologies or models.
> right. This should be emphasized. Most probably in the introduction. i
> will add a sentence
>> The "Group note on MW4D tools
>> landscape" seems like an exception here, so the question is whether we
>> can do this in the stipulated time period of this group?
> Note sure why it is an exception ? the idea is to make a landscape
> analysis: identifying what are the tools in the market and they exact
> role, audience, requirements, etc. how they relate each others. We will
> just try to develop a methodology to analyze tools, which sounds
> relevant. I believe this is relatively easy to setup (a method to
> conduct the analysis)
>> Secondly, which Group note will include the following (mentioned in the
>> Approach section):
>> "Then, in a second phase, after having studied few domains, the group
>> will identify cross-sector similarities, and potential generalizations
>> that could provide solutions across different domains."
>> Would this also be in the first Group note?
> Mostly what we discussed is that we will conduct investigations in
> different domains. for each domain we will identify bmodel, adoption
> methodologies, information needs, audience profiles,... but instead of
> doing different notes on different domain, we will gather information
> about bmodel from different domains in one note about bmodel which will
> present the finding per domain and our views on the similarities and
> potential generalization. The approach is domain-based, but the
> deliverables are topic-based. This is what i tried to say, and what we
> discussed yesterday mostly.
> What i see we will put in the 1st group note is around, imho, the type
> of activities, information needs, particularl profile if any of the
> targeted audiences, the different stakeholders that are invovled in such
> project and so on.
>> The Group note descriptions cover the scope briefly quite well. To make
>> their titles to reflect the scope accurately, I feel it will be proper
>> to add the key word MW4D wherever appropriate. I mean the following:
>> 1. An Interest Group Note on Domain-Specific Challenges and *MW4D*
>> Solutions
> agreed here
>> 2. An Interest Group Note on *MW4D* Tools Landscape
> lots of tools are not related to MW4D solutions but are generic. So not
> sure here would prefer to stick with mobile. What other people opinions ?
>> 3. An Interest Group Note on *MW4D* Impact Analysis Methodologies and
>> Results
> agreed
>> 4. An Interest Group Note on *MW4D* Business Models
> agreed tough i think that we will consider bmodel for both business and
> social entrepreneurship.
>> 5. An Interest Group Note on *MW4D Service* Adoption Methodologies
> agreed
>> More when we discuss the scope of each note in detail.
> i think we should not detailed too much the scope of the notes in the
> charter so that we have some kind of flexibility when we work on them.
> But we should focus on giving a general overview of what we plan to put
> it them
> Cheers and thanks again
> stephane
>> Regards
>> Renjish
>> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Stephane Boyera <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Following our discussions yesterday i updated the charter at
>> along the lines we
>> discussed:
>> *mentionned social networks in the work on tools
>> *added a section 1.1 approach describing the bottom-up approach we
>> discussed. Also mentionned it in the timeline section
>> *added a section on adoptin methodologies and added a corresponding
>> deliverable. Nicolas feel free to propose a better description
>> Let me know if i missed something.
>> All comments are welcome before teh end of this week so that i can
>> start the process of validation next week
>> Cheers
>> Steph
>> --
>> Stephane Boyera <>
>> W3C +33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
>> BP 93 fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
>> F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,
>> France

Stephane Boyera
W3C				+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		

Received on Friday, 22 January 2010 16:34:39 UTC