Comment to -- next call: monday 11 may

Sorry, I got into internet only now, about 25 minutes
after the time, when meeting started.

We did approve the in the call the last minutes few moments ago.

Now I verified quickly the minutes of last meeting (6th April 2009).

I noticed, that my name is missing from participation list.

Please add it.

Br. Lauri 

>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of ext Stephane Boyera
>Sent: 07 May, 2009 18:21
>Subject: next call: monday 11 may
>Hi All,
>we decided to have an extra call this month on monday may 11 
>at the usual time, mostly because we missed the last 2.
>This week, Stephen Wolak will present us his project Betavine 
>Social Exchange (  )
>See details at
>i will chair the meeting.
>Any volunteer to scribe ?
>Points to debate
>Draft Agenda
>- approval of last meeting minutes
>( )
>- review of action items:
>  steph to come with a document structure and summary of each section
>- report from conferences happened recently (ictd2009, ist-africa,...)
>- presentation by Stephen on betavine social exchance
>I remind people to connect to IRC.
>I also remind people to read the documentation about how to be a cool
>Particularly how to put yourself in the queue for speaking, to 
>ease the discussion.
>scribe volunteer welcome !
>See you on monday
>Stephane Boyera
>W3C				+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
>BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
>F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		

Received on Monday, 11 May 2009 12:56:09 UTC