RE: Comments on posters and new template + ITS elipse (Re: Updated validation poster (Was: Re: [Minutes] MLW-LT call 2013-02-20, plus doodle for luxembourg prep call))

Hi Felix, Dave, all,

> One feedback from me: Marcis & all, can you also use 
> the elipse with ITS in the centre, created by Dave? See

Just to be sure: what are we suppose to do with that oval?
(I also missed a lot of the discussion at Wednesday call because of the really bad audio: sorry if I missed the info)

a) Change it completely to match our process and the data categories we are using?
Or b) keep it the same and somehow try to associate the different slices to our process?

b) would result in something that probably doesn't make much sense
a) is going to be terribly time consuming


Received on Thursday, 21 February 2013 19:44:41 UTC