mlw-lt-track-ISSUE-20 (its-global-in-html5): Using ITS globally in HTML5 [MLW-LT Requirements Document]

mlw-lt-track-ISSUE-20 (its-global-in-html5): Using ITS globally in HTML5 [MLW-LT Requirements Document]

Raised by: Felix Sasaki
On product: MLW-LT Requirements Document

We need a mechanism to specify ITS information globally in HTML5. This is the counterpart of "global rules" in ITS 1.0
or CSS selectors
One solution would be: not specifying a mechanism at all, but a link to external rules in the <head> element and a processing chain:
1) convert the HTML5 to an XML serialization (XHTML5)
2) do the ITS processing (defaults, globally, locally)
3) convert the result in the original serialization from 1)
Drawback: we require XML processing and knowledge of XPath from users and implementors. That might hinder the adoption of ITS.
We develop a different mechanism for global selection, e.g. relying on CSS selectors. CSS selectors are well known among web developers and related implementors, so adoption might be easier.
Drawback: we need to involve the right people in that mechanism and would have probably two mechanisms in place: the CSS selectors based one and the XPath one for people who want to process XML (still in scope as *one part* for ITS 2.0).

Received on Monday, 14 May 2012 07:46:55 UTC