Question from git hub

I have just received this email from the W3C test suite from a person call
Michael Smith. His question is as follows:

> Is this test case meant to be valid or invalid?
> After this change, the test runner for the W3C validator is reporting
> "storagesize1html.html":10:120: error: Bad value “lF” for attribute
> “its-line-break-type” on element “p” and
> "storagesize/html/storagesize1html.html":9:120: error: Bad value “LF” for
> attribute “its-line-break-type” on element “p”.
> I notice that the prose of the ITS2 spec says the following:
> [[
> An optional lineBreakType attribute. It indicates what type of line breaks
> the storage uses. The possible values are: "cr" for CARRIAGE RETURN
> (U+000D), "lf" for LINE FEED (U+000A), or "crlf" for CARRIAGE RETURN
> (U+000D) followed by LINE FEED (U+000A). The default value is "lf".
> ]]
> But the normative schema in the spec has this:
> cr
> lr
> crlf
> nel
> So it seems like there's a bug in the spec.


Received on Thursday, 26 September 2013 09:13:05 UTC