Re: LQI test files

Thanks for checking, Yves.

Leroy, Dom, all: I'm sure you will answer this in your update, but just 
asking: it might help to "force" the implementors to do what Yves is 
doing: already starting checking "their" data category files, and also 
provide updates which you just have to commit. It will save you a lot of 
work, and it will make sure that we detect errors soon.

If you agree I'm happy to distribute a lot of action items :)



Am 19.11.12 18:02, schrieb Yves Savourel:
> Hi Leroy, Dom, all,
> looking at some of the test files for Localization Quality Issue, for example:
> It seems there is consistently a use of both the reference to a standoff markup and a local/global markup.
> But we can't have both on the same node.
> If we have locQualityIssuesRef the information is in the standoff markup nowhere else.
> I've also noticed invalid pointers like ".@issueRef" which should be "./@issueRef" or probably even simpler: "@issueRef"
> But I suppose we'll have to re-work most of the LQI files anyway since we are dropping most pointers there.
> cheers,
> -yves

Received on Monday, 19 November 2012 19:53:12 UTC