Re: XSLT line numbers, <code>, etc.

Oh OK I thought I saw some recent changes. It looks like an issue with
the code from what I can tell. Well, whoever gets to it first...

You get this error after an update? If so, sounds like for some reason
the body of the response you are getting is different, which is weird.
If this is the case, and you are running on Windows, then I somehow
suspect a line separator problem -- maybe the XML serializer is
putting in \r\n at the end of lines, only on Windows, and that is
making the response bigger.

if that is so, then hacking in a change to the line separator might
fix it. For example at the very top of Tester, you might include this:

static {
  System.setProperty("line.separator", "\n");

That is not a long-term fix and shouldn't be checked in but if that
fixes the test failure then it confirms the problem.

I myself work on OS X so it would not affect me if so.

On 10/10/07, Abel Rionda <> wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> >Good catch, I just fixed this and the associated tests.
> >There are still some failing tests due to some CSS changes I think?
> We have not made any changes since two weeks ago. On the other hand,
> when we launch the test suite, we get the same error in all tests:
> Caused by: org.junit.ComparisonFailure: Line 37
> expected:<Content-Length: 4[74]&#xD;> but was:<Content-Length:
> 4[97]&#xD;>
> It seems that the Content-Length response header does not match the
> specified in the moki test case.
> Both Miguel and I have run the test on Windows XP. Can this be a
> reason? Anyone else is using Windows?
> Abel.

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2007 16:34:44 UTC