Minutes [Re: ML Schema call agenda July 4, 2016]

Dear All,

Thank you for today’s call. 
Below please find the minutes (also included at [1]):
* Put the schema into the http://www.w3.org/ns/mls workspace so it is dereferenceable
* Cite LODE tool on the documentation website  
* Check & update example file (MLSchemaSandbox.ttl) so it is consistent with the documentation file, provide a link for downloading the example?
* Provide information on what tools to use to open example(s)
* A plan for position paper / statement paper. Where to publish as a journal paper? (community type of submission). Before that finish and disseminate the draft report.
* @Larisa works on the second, complementary example (focused more on experiments and studies and provenance) (the first example is focused more on runs)

Regards and cheers,

[1] https://github.com/ML-Schema/core/wiki/Call-minutes

> Wiadomość napisana przez Agnieszka Ławrynowicz <agnieszka.lawrynowicz@cs.put.poznan.pl> w dniu 04.07.2016, o godz. 11:21:
> Dear All,
> Below please find an agenda for the today’s call of the Machine Learning Schema W3C Community Group.
> Call July 4, 2016, 1.30pm CET
> Agenda 
> 1. The status of the documentation [1]. 
> 2. Open issues. 
> We will use Google Hangout for the call [2].
> Regards and Cheers,
> Agnieszka
> [1] https://github.com/ML-Schema/documentation/tree/gh-pages <https://github.com/ML-Schema/documentation>
> [2] https://hangouts.google.com/call/dskyydrmpsybpvxhql5aehiht4a <https://hangouts.google.com/call/dskyydrmpsybpvxhql5aehiht4a>

Received on Monday, 4 July 2016 12:34:23 UTC