Re: 8. Are prefixes/namespaces allowed?

On 4 September 2012 16:35, John Cowan <> wrote:
> Andrew Welch scripsit:
>> -1 to anything external to the document affecting its content.
> So, you are going to ban text editors, or just XSLT?

...and printing it out, writing on it with pen, and then OCR'ing it back in.

> Automatic namespaces, like architectural forms, affect a document only
> if it is processed with them.  They don't "affect its content" in the
> sense that an external DTD affects the content of an XML document.
> They are just another optional processing step.

Ok - from my skim reading of the link it sounded like 'automatic
namespaces' were held external the file and were applied during the
processing... I need to go and read it properly at some point.

Andrew Welch

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2012 15:42:51 UTC