thoughts on next steps

Hello All,

JohnC's Road Ahead email thread sparked off a few observations;

* I maybe wrong, but I don't think the recent publication communicated
to the world at large that we are seeking public review … we should
reinforce this message

* I echo calls that the next step could be comparisons in terms of
parsing performance, this type of thing is always good material that
gets attention

* I also believe the next steps is to 'use microxml' … generate some
tutorial material with a focus on javascript parsers (of which we now
have 2)

I think the spec is remarkably brief, concise and from a personal
point of view cohesive (at least for my purposes) … and I note this
single document replaces a number of other docs (wondering what the
page count ratio is) so I would internally declare victory, as for
doing more stuff its interesting but I think our energies should, at
least briefly, be focused on generating some supporting material that
will assist ppl to understand microxml, use it and gain benefit from

I will start writing up some tutorial around the parsers i've created.

Jim Fuller

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2012 05:56:12 UTC