Re: What will success look like for MicroXML?

Alex Brown scripsit:

> Considering developers - most programming languages "come with" (or
> have readily available) libraries implementing some portion of the
> XML stack. Faced with coping with some MicroXML I find it hard to
> imagine a typical developer doing anything other than reaching for
> those to-hand libraries rather than explicitly choosing a MicroXML
> solution.

Not if the MicroXML library is much easier to use for a given level
of function.

Henry S. Thompson said, / "Syntactic, structural,               John Cowan
Value constraints we / Express on the fly."       
Simon St. Laurent: "Your / Incomprehensible
Abracadabralike / schemas must die!"

Received on Friday, 27 July 2012 00:09:01 UTC