Re: Some possible MicroXML design goals

On 24/07/2012 15:48, Dave Pawson wrote:

>> I am talking about data models: being able to straightforwardly
>> represent any HTML5 DOM by a MicroXML tree. This is quite a modest
>> goal.

> I question the scope of that statement James? "Any" html5 document
> may have all sorts of .... in it? I'd hope uxml is a subset of that?


Not at the DOM level. An HTML 5 DOM contains element comment
atttribute nodes and text (more or less). The complications of the HTML
parser of not of concern here. In javascript one can generate DOM that
can not be serialised as HTML never mind xml, due to non conforming
characters in element names or comments etc, so a spec would have to
word things a bit carefully but the basic idea of keeping an eye on
HTML5 is sound. In particular HTML5 parsing puts comment nodes into the
DOM which might (or might not) speak to micro-xml doing the same rather
than discarding them (or making them an error).


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